Asset Location“I’m proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is — I could be just as proud for half the...Asset Location
Myopia and Robinhood’s Infinite Leverage Cheat CodeI spoke at the Trust Advisors Forum conference in Pinehurst earlier this year on the topic of Millennials and investing, and one of the...Myopia and Robinhood’s Infinite Leverage Cheat Code
Using a DAF for Charitable GivingI was up in Houghton, MI a couple weekends ago to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Applied Portfolio Management Program (APMP), a program...Using a DAF for Charitable Giving
The Best Retirement Account May Not Actually Be a Retirement AccountThere are two basic types or retirement accounts. The first is the tax-deferred type. This is your traditional 401(k) or traditional IRA. Money that...The Best Retirement Account May Not Actually Be a Retirement Account
How Much Should You Have in Emergency Savings?I recently received an email from Marcus—Goldman Sachs’ relatively new entrant into the online banking business—saying they increased the yield on my savings account...How Much Should You Have in Emergency Savings?
Why You Shouldn't Invest in Your Employer's StockNow I am Become GE, the Destroyer of Wealth There was an article in the Wall Street Journal last month about a gentleman by the name...Why You Shouldn't Invest in Your Employer's Stock
Can Money Buy Happiness and, if so, How Much do I Need?“Can I ask you a question?” “Sure!” “Are you happy?” “Well, I got a boat, good friends, and a trampoline. You tell me.” That was a revelational series...Can Money Buy Happiness and, if so, How Much do I Need?
Place Your Amazon HQ2 Bets!To say Amazon — a stock I like, by the way — has disrupted the retail industry would be an understatement. They are gutting...Place Your Amazon HQ2 Bets!
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